Tuesday, October 28, 2008

How to make friends even if you don't want to

Social networking tools are really cool. They help us to find old friends, make new ones, locate companies, see who's doing what etc.

One of the more popular ones has this interface. It opens if you click on a name connected to one of your linked "friends" and offers you the opportunity to connect with this friend of a friend, in this example Glenn B..

My question is, why would I need to go through the process of connecting with Glenn when I don't know anything about him except he knows my other friend.

But these folks seem to think I need to connect with Glenn in order to read his profile, see who we both know, and consider sharing details with him before I'm sure if I want to be connected with him at all -I haven't seen his profile, only know of one friend who knows him and haven't shared any details with him yet. 

Gotta go - I have to hook up my horse to my cart, or is it my cart to my horse or...

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I love the new social networking because I can meet new people with out having the expense of traveling to those places. Also I may never have met them if I did travel there, our paths may never have crossed and this way they are!